Friday, November 7, 2014

The Rhino-Fire is out today, and no one cares!

Has Nerf gone too far?

Without giving too many details away of who I am since Nerfer X is a secret identity, let me make this as unbiased as I can without everyone else knowing what I wrote in other forums.

It's quite strange, usually when a new Full Auto Nerf gun comes out, everyone is all over it, it's all everyone can talk about, hitting people with more darts at one.  Not this time, why?

Simple, ever seen a Rapidstrike with 3 s LiPo's?  I rest my case, if you haven't, go outside and play.

No longer does a blaster need more barrels to put out more darts therefore, a blaster with more barrels is not an appeal, but instead a limitation. Since modding a flywheel Nerf gun has become so easy why bother with a Rhino-Fire that is a heavy, bulky waste.

There are possibly a couple of reason this might work for you.

*2x35=70 rounds.  At that slow rate of fire, it is possible to use Raider drums.
*One could mod one make it fast, however this Nerf gun is so uninspiring nobody has posted internal pics yet.

This is however the very worst year for Nerf since the Max Force line came out.  The Cam 12 just sucks, got one off a guy in an alley for 25 buck, I swear I felt cheated even at that price.  Another thing is that I live on the edge of Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles, I couldn't even carry this around it's so big. 

And we need to rethink the magazines, drums? really guys? The same ones used on the Rampage? c'mon the flat 18 round mags are the best so far, making banana clips just makes it look more lethal but in fact, is not as they hold even less darts. 

I liked what Coop 772 did with the triple Rapid Strike, sell something like that instead!, even if he did steal the idea from Cartaya, who is mainly a pistol modder, who cares. Nerf needs to also work on stocks, sights and more accurate ammo, elites are just too unpredictable. 

I say make the darts like Koosh Darts, yeah.  But honestly I haven't seen anything this dumb since that one dumbshit tried to jump the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nerfer X Xposee #1 The Nerf Internet Comunity

If you are any Nerfer, you will sooner or later run into the Nerf Internet Community. Depending on who you know, what you have to offer and how big or small of a kissass you are, Your first meeting might be pleasant. But most likely not, they will just be a bunch of bratty childish people tearing you down any way they can. and many other blogs and forums are based on the NIC and at first glance it would seem every A, B, or C list Internet Nerf figure is in the NIC. So why so fussy then?

*People misrepresenting their blasters and Nerf.
*Being sick of answering stupid questions to people who aren't resourceful enough to look things up.
*People calling a blaster a GUN.
*People with seemingly outrageous or impossible ranges.
*People with bad Grammar or using acronyms.
*Not using #6 slugs religiously.

Yes yes, it would seem you can get picked on for anything in the NIC, but there's even a darker side, how about talking about a mod they don't like for example, Mavericks, Recons or Retaliators. Seems just fine when Bobololo talks about the Rebelle Messenger mods, but not when some German guy doesn't take the shell apart when he paints his blasters. This is where these members of this group of people try to control you and the things you make for a living, like they are some sort of government.

How can this be? Because everyone wants to fit in? A basic mod should be easy to explain, the answer should not be “google it”. So much hard feelings exist, yet everyone stays quiet. If there is a post that turns out wrong, they just delete it. Completely one sided, no places offer any differing opinions because everyone is afraid of an argument or to be distanced.

But what effect does this have on you kids if you have any? Imagine your a new Nerf modder and just want advice. Little does that kid know that Nerf Modders Welcome is simply a name of an old blog, not necessarily a statement. Quickly people find that out and get into some argument about conventions, how the NIC does things, ammo standards, range tests ect. On the top right corner are the rules and they are bendable any way the admins see fit, one of which is no elite darts for range tests.

Excuse me, no elites? I thought this was Nerf? You thought wrong, this is an interest group holding down Nerf. How?

I'll give you a few good examples, Xplorer, Lasergnomes,, criticized for being to expensive at times, haggled day in and day out everywhere. As well as any other modder trying to make money or anything that can further their aims toward better Guns and Nerf battle. We all know that traditionally Nerfers are cheapskates, but also is clear the lack of value of making a good product even if it costs more money. This point of view is apparently lost, as price fixing and bullying seems everywhere in this community.

These people are bloodsuckers, whining and crying till they get their way endlessly. Anything that conflicts with NIC agenda is instantly torn down no matter how good an idea is or may be in the future, maybe even you!